Exercise: Expression Evaluation

Let’s write a simple recursive evaluator for arithmetic expressions. Start with an enum defining the binary operations:

fn main() {
/// An operation to perform on two subexpressions.
enum Operation {

/// An expression, in tree form.
enum Expression {
    /// An operation on two subexpressions.
    Op {
        op: Operation,
        left: Box<Expression>,
        right: Box<Expression>,

    /// A literal value

/// The result of evaluating an expression.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum Res {
    /// Evaluation was successful, with the given result.
    /// Evaluation failed, with the given error message.
// Allow `Ok` and `Err` as shorthands for `Res::Ok` and `Res::Err`.
use Res::{Err, Ok};

fn eval(e: Expression) -> Res {

fn test_value() {
    assert_eq!(eval(Expression::Value(19)), Ok(19));

fn test_sum() {
        eval(Expression::Op {
            op: Operation::Add,
            left: Box::new(Expression::Value(10)),
            right: Box::new(Expression::Value(20)),

fn test_recursion() {
    let term1 = Expression::Op {
        op: Operation::Mul,
        left: Box::new(Expression::Value(10)),
        right: Box::new(Expression::Value(9)),
    let term2 = Expression::Op {
        op: Operation::Mul,
        left: Box::new(Expression::Op {
            op: Operation::Sub,
            left: Box::new(Expression::Value(3)),
            right: Box::new(Expression::Value(4)),
        right: Box::new(Expression::Value(5)),
        eval(Expression::Op {
            op: Operation::Add,
            left: Box::new(term1),
            right: Box::new(term2),

fn test_error() {
        eval(Expression::Op {
            op: Operation::Div,
            left: Box::new(Expression::Value(99)),
            right: Box::new(Expression::Value(0)),
        Err(String::from("division by zero"))

The Box type here is a smart pointer, and will be covered in detail later in the course. An expression can be “boxed” with Box::new as seen in the tests. To evaluate a boxed expression, use the deref operator to “unbox” it: eval(*boxed_expr).

Some expressions cannot be evaluated and will return an error. The Res type represents either a successful value or an error with a message. This is very similar to the standard-library Result which we will see later.

Copy and paste the code into the Rust playground, and begin implementing eval. The final product should pass the tests. It may be helpful to use todo!() and get the tests to pass one-by-one. You can also skip a test temporarily with #[ignore]:

fn test_value() { .. }

If you finish early, try writing a test that results in an integer overflow. How could you handle this with Res::Err instead of a panic?