
The enum keyword allows the creation of a type which has a few different variants:

enum Direction {

enum PlayerMove {
    Pass,                        // Simple variant
    Run(Direction),              // Tuple variant
    Teleport { x: u32, y: u32 }, // Struct variant

fn main() {
    let m = PlayerMove::Run(Direction::Left);
    println!("On this turn: {:?}", m);
This slide should take about 5 minutes.

Key Points:

  • Enumerations allow you to collect a set of values under one type
  • Direction has two variants, Left and Right. These are referred to with the Direction::.. namespace.
  • PlayerMove shows the three types of variants. Rust will also store a discriminant so that it can determine at runtime which variant is in a value.
  • This might be a good time to compare Structs and Enums:
    • In both, you can have a simple version without fields (unit struct) or one with different types of fields (variant payloads).
    • You could even implement the different variants of an enum with separate structs but then they wouldn’t be the same type as they would if they were all defined in an enum.
  • Rust uses minimal space to store the discriminant.
    • If necessary, it stores an integer of the smallest required size

    • If the allowed variant values do not cover all bit patterns, it will use invalid bit patterns to encode the discriminant (the “niche optimization”). For example, Option<&u8> stores either a pointer to an integer or NULL for the None variant.

    • You can control the discriminant if needed (e.g., for compatibility with C):

      enum Bar {
          A,  // 0
          B = 10000,
          C,  // 10001
      fn main() {
          println!("A: {}", Bar::A as u32);
          println!("B: {}", Bar::B as u32);
          println!("C: {}", Bar::C as u32);

      Without repr, the discriminant type takes 2 bytes, because 10001 fits 2 bytes.

More to Explore

Rust has several optimizations it can employ to make enums take up less space.

  • Null pointer optimization: For some types, Rust guarantees that size_of::<T>() equals size_of::<Option<T>>().

    Example code if you want to show how the bitwise representation may look like in practice. It’s important to note that the compiler provides no guarantees regarding this representation, therefore this is totally unsafe.

    use std::mem::transmute;
    macro_rules! dbg_bits {
        ($e:expr, $bit_type:ty) => {
            println!("- {}: {:#x}", stringify!($e), transmute::<_, $bit_type>($e));
    fn main() {
        unsafe {
            dbg_bits!(false, u8);
            dbg_bits!(true, u8);
            dbg_bits!(None::<bool>, u8);
            dbg_bits!(Some(false), u8);
            dbg_bits!(Some(true), u8);
            dbg_bits!(Some(Some(false)), u8);
            dbg_bits!(Some(Some(true)), u8);
            dbg_bits!(Some(None::<bool>), u8);
            dbg_bits!(None::<Option<bool>>, u8);
            dbg_bits!(None::<&i32>, usize);
            dbg_bits!(Some(&0i32), usize);

    More complex example if you want to discuss what happens when we chain more than 256 Options together.

    #![recursion_limit = "1000"]
    use std::mem::transmute;
    macro_rules! dbg_bits {
        ($e:expr, $bit_type:ty) => {
            println!("- {}: {:#x}", stringify!($e), transmute::<_, $bit_type>($e));
    // Macro to wrap a value in 2^n Some() where n is the number of "@" signs.
    // Increasing the recursion limit is required to evaluate this macro.
    macro_rules! many_options {
        ($value:expr) => { Some($value) };
        ($value:expr, @) => {
        ($value:expr, @ $($more:tt)+) => {
            many_options!(many_options!($value, $($more)+), $($more)+)
    fn main() {
        // TOTALLY UNSAFE. Rust provides no guarantees about the bitwise
        // representation of types.
        unsafe {
            assert_eq!(many_options!(false), Some(false));
            assert_eq!(many_options!(false, @), Some(Some(false)));
            assert_eq!(many_options!(false, @@), Some(Some(Some(Some(false)))));
            println!("Bitwise representation of a chain of 128 Option's.");
            dbg_bits!(many_options!(false, @@@@@@@), u8);
            dbg_bits!(many_options!(true, @@@@@@@), u8);
            println!("Bitwise representation of a chain of 256 Option's.");
            dbg_bits!(many_options!(false, @@@@@@@@), u16);
            dbg_bits!(many_options!(true, @@@@@@@@), u16);
            println!("Bitwise representation of a chain of 257 Option's.");
            dbg_bits!(many_options!(Some(false), @@@@@@@@), u16);
            dbg_bits!(many_options!(Some(true), @@@@@@@@), u16);
            dbg_bits!(many_options!(None::<bool>, @@@@@@@@), u16);